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Learning how to draw anime-styled characters

So, you want to learn how to draw anime characters? Perhaps you're trying to refine your skill or maybe learn how to alter your pictures the right way. This is built specifically for you.

Now, your style may drastically differ from mine. I don't want you to think that your art has to look exactly like mine. This is just general anime information. You can alter whatever you want.

Now, I'm trying to make the tutorial as easy as possible. Just simply click on the aspects you are having problems with or would like to learn more about. Each section of this page has a "detailed" page to further help you out. I try to make the details as detailed as I possibly could. 

In this tutorial, I will try to cover everything on the human body.... as far as anime is concerned. Some diagrams will contain nudity. The reason for that is because in order to learn how to draw clothing on your character correctly, you must learn how to draw your character naked. This helps with the folds and wrinkles in the clothing.

Humans ---
     + -- Eyes
     + -- Head
     + -- Hair     
     + -- Body
     + -- Hands
     + -- Feet

Mechs --- (No plans as of yet)




faces I say: Have you asked this question more than once? I'm sure you have.
There are several ways you can draw eyes. 

1)It's how you draw the head! Which way is your character facing? Are they happy, sad, angry, etc.?

Drawing eyes would include drawing facial expressions. Some people have a hard time drawing facial expressions. I can't say this is easy (well I can, but..) since it's pretty tedious. The expressions are in the eyebrows. It doesn't stop at the eyebrows, but they are important factors in giving your character more emotion.

  • (1) Draw the eyebrows arched for a happy look.NooOOooOO!
  • (2) Draw the eyebrows arched but curved further up on the front ends to give the character a sad look.
  • (3) Draw the eyebrows lowered into the eye to give an angry look.
  • (4) Draw one eyebrow into the eye and the other arched with the further end curved to give the character a confused look.
2)Is the character meant to look cute, evil, average, etc?

Well? Cute eyes are "larger". Evil eyes are (by definition of someone's book) smaller. 123 Evil eyes have the sleek and thin look to them. Cute are round and a bit more shinny. To add such shine to eyes, you should continue forward on the "How to Draw Eyes" section


 Need more help drawing eyes? Then click here!

I kinda reviewed drawing the head in the eye tutorial. I suppose I shouldn't, but use this excerpt:

Step 1:
If you don't know how to draw the basic diagrams on your character, then things will look uneven! Just draw the head in the shape of an oval.

Step 2: Draw a vertical line in the middle of the face. When I say "face" I mean draw the vertical line according to the position your character is facing. The line can either be in the middle of the oval (which would have the character facing forward) or on the sides (signaling that the character is either facing left or right).

Hint: If you're drawing the profile view of your character, then do not draw a vertical line.


Step 3: Draw a horizontal line. This line determines whether your character is facing up or down.

Hint: If you're drawing a profile (diagram located on the bottom) view of your character and you want them looking up or down, you will actually have to tilt the oval in the position that head would be facing. The horizontal line will always be located in the center of the oval (unless you're doing something dramatic, but don't worry about that. That's far too advanced for you if you're here).



You ask: When I draw a female, she looks like a man / When I draw a male, he looks like a woman!

I say: Well, first off, I'd like to laugh at you! BUAHAHAHAHA!
Ok, ok. So I was a bit mean. I always had trouble drawing females. I mean, females have all of these curves that guys don't. It was frustrating.

Let's compare the two genders.

Females) The figure 8. A females body looks like an 8. The chest is out, the waist line is in, the hips are out. 

Males) Males don't have a figure 8. They have broad shoulders but everything else is flat. The chest is out, the waist is in and the hips are in.

Females) Their necks are thinner than males. Some are a bit longer, but this is a style thing. Don't worry about it.

Males) We....Errr... They generally have broader shoulders than females. Females' shoulders are slanted downward. REMEMBER THAT! If you don't remember that, your female drawn character would have the body of a male (*ahem* she'd have more of a build and look more masculine and less feminine).

 - The tutorials are still under construction. Please give me some more time! m(_ _)m -


  Fruits Project - My tutorials still aren't finished, but you can go to Fruit's Project for the time being for topics I haven't gone over yet.

Email: dotson-sir@rocketmail.com
AE and the AE webdesign was created by Steven Dotson III. The president of Anime Edge.